We are available by e-mail should you wish to contact us directly. Arthur can be contacted on amkvt@hotmail.com. Take note that he works irregular times in the oil/gas industry, this means replies may take several days. André can be contacted on mark3desmo@gmail.com. Although not in the oil/gas industry, he too is a busy bee. In any case, your e-mail will be answered as soon as we can. Thanks in advance for your understanding, and happy reading!
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I recently purchased a 500 SD but it is black and white. Do you know if any came out as black and white. Great site guys.
Hi John,
As far as we know black and white was not a standard colour scheme for the PT’s. Black + white was used on a bevel 750S prototype, and black + gold, like the 900SS bevel, was a colour option for the (350) GTV model.
Perhaps its a custom paint job.
Is the bike running?
Hi Andre(and other Panigale Twin enthusiasts)
I am putting back together a 500SD that someone took apart many years ago. In the process they lost all the rocker arms and the cam chain tensioner assembly !!
I have been able to locate a second hand tensioner and some NOS opening rockers but in looking at the workshop manual I am at a loss to understand how the tensioner is held in place in the cylinder casting. What holds it in place ??I can’t see any pins in the parts diagrams.
in Western Australia
Hi Mark,
The cam tensioner should have a hollow dowel with the upper top edges chipped off. In these edges comes a rubber part which has a flat part on the top and round section on the bottom.
In the cases at the back, when put together, you should see just in front of the 2 M8 threaded holes, 2 notches. the tensioner (with the hollow dowel and rubber edges) sits in the 2 notches and is held there by the cylinder block when tightened down.
next to sourcing the missing rockers, these rubbers are a challenge to find. I have had to make them from old shoe soles!
Hopefully this helps!
let us know if you need more information.
Hallo daar, Er staat een mooie 350 met kapotte krukas op motorfietsweb/ask the web. En ik heb er geen plek voor
Hoi Dolf,
Zag hem staan op de website, als het de GTL in Meerlo is.
Moch je deze aanschaffen en een krukas nodig hebt, heb ik er een liggen.
Laat maar horen via email als wij wat voor jullie kunnen betekenen.
Hi André, I haven’t seen you since the Multistrada meeting at Bulingen a couple of years ago but I found a load of parallel twin stuff on ebay and thought of you.
None of it may be any good but it’s worth a look,